Wednesday, June 24, 2009


1. Mr. Moody once told a story which illustrated the only sure plan of getting rid of jealousy.

"There were two businessmen--merchants--and there was great rivalry between them, a great deal of bitter feeling. One of them became a Christian. He went to his minister and said:

"'I am still jealous of that man, and I do not know how to overcome it.'

"'Well,' he said, 'if a man comes into your store to buy goods, and you cannot supply him, just send him over to your neighbor.'

"He said he wouldn't like to do that.

"'Well,' the minister said, 'you do it, and you will kill jealousy.'

"He said he would, and when a customer came into his store for goods which he did not have he would tell him to go across the street to his neighbor's. By-and-by the other began to send his customers over to this man's store, and the breach was healed."

2. In South America there is a strange vine known as the matador. Beginning at the foot of a tree, it slowly makes its way to the top. As it grows, it kills the tree, and when at last the top is reached, it sends forth a flower to crown itself. Matador, means KILLER ... jealousy. ... It appears harmless when it is small, but if it is allowed to grow, its tendrils of malice and hatred soon clasp themselves around the heart and eventually kill the soul.

3. I remember reading somewhere in a Grecian story of a man who killed himself through envy. His fellow citizens had reared a statue to one of their number who was a celebrated victor in the public games. So strong was the feeling of envy which this incited in the breast of one of the hero's rivals that he went forth every night in order, if possible, to destroy that monument. After repeated efforts he moved it from its pedestal, and it fell, but in its fall it crushed him.

4. Jealousy is the raw material of murder.

5. Many lovely things pass out of life when jealousy comes in.

6. One can be covetous when he has little, much, or anything between, for covetousness comes from the heart, not from the circumstances of life.

7. Jealousy is a rebellion against God Himself, & the liberty & pleasure of His dispensations.

8. Covetousness is a spiritual idolatry; it is the giving of that love & regard to worldly wealth which are due to God only.

9. Americans sink millions of Dollars in unsound financial schemes, one of which is trying to keep up with the neighbours.

10. If it were as easy to arouse enthusiasm as it is suspicion, just think what could be accomplished!