Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Mind of God

A special message from Jesus:

Do not think that you know best, for the mind of man is not greater than the mind of God. That which seems logical to your mind does not necessarily mean that it is the way of God. For My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. It is in the acceptance of My Word, in the acceptance of faith, where there is peace and where there is rest in spirit.

So lay down the burden of your mind. Lay down the burden of your doubt. Lay down the burden of your analyticality. Lay down the burden of that which you have seen and that which you believed to be true, and come to Me with faith.

When I lay in the boat sleeping, and the waves and the wind and the storm battered about, My disciples knew not what to do, but were fearful for the wind and fearful for the waves and fearful for the vessel. So they woke Me, they came to Me, for they knew that the answer lay in My power. I said, "Peace, be still," and there was peace.

They came to Me, admitting that they knew not what to do, and I gave them peace.
So come to Me in faith, the faith of a little child who knows that his father will not lead him astray, but will speak the truth to him.

Come to Me in faith, laying down your preconceived ideas, laying down that which you are so certain is so. Come to Me with an open heart and an open mind and let Me give you peace--the peace that comes from faith, the peace that comes from trust, the peace that comes from knowing that you are yielded to the will of God.