Thursday, May 14, 2009


What Really Matters

Carl was driving to work one morning when he bumped fenders with another motorist.

Both cars stopped, and the woman driving the other car got out to survey the damage.

She was distraught. It was her fault, she admitted, and hers was a new car-less than two days from the showroom. She dreaded facing her husband.

Carl was sympathetic, but he had to pursue the exchange of license and registration data.

She reached into her glove compartment to retrieve the documents in an envelope.

On the first paper to tumble out, written in her husband’s distinctive handwriting, were these words:

“In case of accident, remember, Honey, it’s you I love, not the car.”
-Adapted from Paul Harvey

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Many marriages lose their luster simply because the husband and wife stop finding romance in the everyday things they encounter together, or they stop putting their love into words.
The story is told of the elderly couple sitting on their porch taking in a beautiful sunset. Both were touched by the scene, but neither said a word. The husband thought to himself later, “It was all I could do to keep from telling Marge how much I love her!” It’s a pity we sometimes miss opportunities to encourage those dearest to us.
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The famous evangelist Billy Sunday once gave this advice: “Try praising your wife, even if it does frighten her at first.”

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The Loving Compliment
Nearly every one of us is starving to be appreciated, to be the recipient of that most supreme compliment-that we are loved. We need others to recognize our strengths or sometimes just to prop us up in the places where we tend to lean a little. Honest compliments are simple and cost nothing to give, but we must not underestimate their worth.
The most loving compliment I've ever heard of was given by Joseph Choate, former ambassador to Great Britain. When asked who he would like to be if he could come back to Earth again after he died, he replied without an instant's hesitation, "Mrs. Choate's second husband."
-Leo Buscaglia

Words for Loved Ones
I’m proud of you.
I knew you could do it.
You’re very special to me.
I trust you.
What a treasure you are.
Hurray for you!
Beautiful work.
Well done!
You do so much for me; thank you.
You’re a joy.
You’re such a good listener.
I love you.
You’re a wonderful example of God’s love.
Thanks for being so loving.
You remembered.
You’re the best.
I’ve got to hand it to you.
I couldn’t be prouder of you.
You light up my day.
I’m praying for you.
You’re wonderful.
You’re such a nice answer to prayer!
It’s hard to imagine where I’d be without you.
I’m behind you.
I love to see your faith in God.
Thank you for believing in me.
Your love is wonderful.
I’m so happy to be with you.
I admire you.
I’m with you all the way.
You make my day!
You’re a big blessing from God!